INTER PACK EXPO Shanghai International Packaging Exhibition, hosted by Shanghai Hexin Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., is an industry event focusing on the entire packaging industry chain. INTER PACK EXPO is based in the world-famous trade center Shanghai, radiating to Asia, Europe, Fast-growing markets such as America and Africa. INTER PACK EXPO exhibits products covering various packaging products, packaging materials and related packaging machinery and equipment, providing exhibitors and domestic and foreign buyers with a one-stop packaging trade and procurement platform, helping exhibitors break through trade bottlenecks and reverse trends growth and rapidly increase market share.INTER PACK EXPO 2024 is scheduled to be held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center from August 07-09, 2024, with 650+ packaging brand exhibitors, 60,000+ terminal consumer goods and industrial product brands, manufacturing manufacturers, processing manufacturers, OEM/ODM/OBM manufacturers and industry agents, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, etc. witness the excitement of INTER PACK EXPO. During INTER PACK EXPO, new products, new technologies, new concepts, and new packaging solutions are exchanged and collided here, writing a bright future for the packaging industry across the country and even the world!
The four exhibition areas cover the entire printing and packaging industry chain.
The CIPPME 2024 China International Packaging Products and Materials Exhibition, hosted by Shanghai Hexin Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., is a professional packaging products and packaging materials exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region. The exhibition is based in the world-famous trade center Shanghai and radiates throughout Asia, focusing on Southeast Asia, Rapidly developing emerging packaging markets such as South Asia, South America, the Middle East, and North Africa. CIPPME is an industry leader in terms of exhibition scale, number of exhibitors and visitors, and growing international influence. CIPPME 2024 China International Packaging Products and Materials Exhibition will be grandly opened at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition and Convention Center (Pudong New Area) from August 07-09, 2024 (Wednesday to Friday). The exhibition will…
MoreThe world’s leading packaging industry exhibition – INTPAK 2024 Shanghai International Intelligent Packaging Industry Exhibition is a professional packaging technology and packaging machinery exhibition in the Asia-Pacific region. INTPAK is based in Shanghai, a world-famous trade center, and radiates throughout Asia, focusing on rapidly developing emerging packaging markets such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, South America, the Middle East, and North Africa. It is expected to attract more than 60,000 buyers with high purchasing power. INTPAK 2024 Shanghai International Intelligent Packaging Industry Exhibition has added a buyer speed matching plan to target the procurement needs of core buyers. It will help exhibitors accurately match with Asia-Pacific companies with high purchasing power, help exhibitors break through trade bottlenecks and grow against…
MorePRINT TECH 2024 Shanghai International Printing Technology Exhibition (abbreviation: PRINT TECH·Shanghai International Printing Exhibition) is one of the most influential professional exhibitions in China’s printing industry. PRINT TECH Shanghai International Printing Exhibition is hosted by Shanghai Hexin Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. It has been successfully held for sixteen sessions since its inception in 2007. For more than ten years, PRINT TECH Shanghai International Printing Exhibition has been focusing on hot new technologies in the world’s printing industry. It not only builds an exhibition platform for global printing companies and promotes trade between supply and demand; it also provides international high-end exchange opportunities for industry professionals and promotes the promotion of new technologies. Communication and dissemination, it is known as “the…
More“2024 Shanghai International Label Printing Exhibition” is an international professional exhibition focusing on labels and their processing industries in the Asia-Pacific region. Joining hands with the Shanghai International Packaging and Printing Exhibition, we will comprehensively cover the entire industry chain of labels, packaging, and printing to create a one-stop business platform. Based at home and facing the world, we will comprehensively display label innovation achievements and applications to help promote the rapid development of new label materials, new products and new technologies. It has been successfully held for sixteen times since its inception. All previous exhibitions have been unanimously recognized by exhibitors and visitors. The scale of the exhibition has expanded year by year, and the number of professional visitors…
MoreINTER PACK EXPO brings together packaging industry brands
嘉兴市豪能科技股份有限公司(以下简称“豪能”)成立于1984年,国内在浙江嘉兴嘉善设有二家工厂;2011年4月, 豪能成功收购拥有百年历史的Illochroma集团, 三家分公司分别位于法国、比利时、波兰;2019年和中粮集团合作在欧洲投资建立易拉罐生产工厂,2020年11月份开始投产。集团员工约800多人,向全球26个国家超过200多家客户提供高端啤酒标签、饮料及食品包装产品,在中国啤酒标签行业处于领先地位。产品包括不干胶标签、铝箔标签、镀铝纸、纸质湿胶标签、牛奶纸套标、纸盒、纸箱等。
深圳市港艺丝印设备有限公司成立于2001年,是一家集研发设计,生产,销售于一体的丝印机及丝网印刷周边设备生产制造商。拥有多项产品专利,是深圳市机械行业协会会员、中国网印及制像协会会员。 专注丝网印刷行业印前、印后设备:全自动丝印机,片材自动上下料丝印机,CCD 视觉对位丝印机,半自动丝印机,卷对卷丝印机,快干隧道炉,IR 烘干线,UV机等丝印自动化连线设备的研发制造及配套解决方案! 公司拥有专业的技术人才,量身定做的方案,以满足客户不同工艺和个性的要求;为客户提供免费的技术咨询、培训、现场演示等服务。产品深受广大客户的好评及认同,销往国内20多个省市,并远销欧美,中东,东南亚等全球各地。
南京爱宝文仪有限公司是国内领先的热转印碳带涂布和分切制造商之一,致力于热转印碳带领域的科技创新,是以研发、生产与销售为一体的综合性企业。公司主要产品包括蜡基、混合基、树脂基、边压碳带,水洗碳带,彩色碳带等等。产品广泛应用于仓储、物流运输、零售、医药卫生、服装等领域,可以在不同材质上提供卓越的打印效果,满足各类需求。 目前,公司拥有多条高速涂装生产线和12000平方米的厂房,同时在海外多国设立分销中心,爱宝200多名经验丰富的员工,为全球155个国家和地区的客户提供优质服务。 我们的TTR产品已通过ISO9001, ISEGA和SGS认证,自主研发生产的条码碳带产品及诚实守信的销售理念,深受全球客户的信赖,建立了良好的品牌声誉。
河北方大包装股份有限公司成立于1995年,是一家集研发设计、生产销售为一体的高新技术企业,是中国最早专注于物流快递包装研发生产的综合性制造商和供应商之一。凭借在物流快递包装领域的专业水平和成熟的技术,在该领域成为行业标杆。 目前,方大已成功生产出了背胶袋、快递袋、气泡袋、热敏纸、PE膜、三层电子面单、热敏标签等7大系列产品,并已广泛应用于产品包装、物流快递包装、电商、仓储等众多领域。 公司通过了ISO9001-2015质量管理体系认证,同时还获得了 “国家邮政用品用具质量监督检验中心”、“国家邮政局市场监管司”等产品相关的检测认证。 依靠良好的品质和信誉,依靠持续的研发创新,不断为客户提供满意的产品和服务,是方大始终不变的追求。
浙江协鑫包装成立于2013年,专注于为企业提供EPE珍珠棉等包装一体化解决方案,经过10年发展,已经发展称为华东地区珍珠棉包装行业的领先标杆企业之一。 公司保持每年50%以上的增加率, 2017年产值规模已经超过1.5亿元。 公司现发展成为具备3个厂区,员工人数超过500人的集团化包装企业,随着2022年蜂窝产品线投入生产,今后协鑫将迎来更高更快的发展。
瑞企迩集团成立于2014年,坐落于素有“海上丝绸之路起点”及“中国南大门”之称的国际大都市-广州。于2014年成立广州瑞企迩进出口贸易有限公司,2017年成立瑞企迩实业(上海)有限公司,2020年成立瑞企迩纸业(深圳)有限公司,现有品牌商标“RICHER”、“鼻宝贝”和 “纸宝贝”。 工厂建于1998年,位于广西贺州市高新科技产业园。工厂占地面积10万平方米。员工200多人,其中专业技术人员50多人,公司通过了ISO9001管理体系、QS食品包装生产许可和FSC国际认证等! 工厂现拥有5条中高档特种纸生产线和生活用纸生产线,目前已具备年产4万吨机制特种纸的生产能力。主要产品有:食品包装纸、全木浆单光白牛皮纸、淋膜原纸、热敏原纸、防油纸、民用烟纸、拷贝纸、打字纸。产品行销欧洲、东盟等国家和地区,深受用户信赖。
INTER PACK EXPO is an ideal platform for you to promote your brand, expand market share, and meet end-user buyers.
Exhibition News and Industry Information
What are the benefits for exhibitors?
The three-day exhibition is expected to attract 60,000 visitors, saving you the intermediate marketing links and effectively obtaining information from potential customers.
The exhibition is based on domestic and highlights foreign trade. 30% of foreign investors visit Shanghai International Packaging Technology Exhibition online or on site.
During the Shanghai International Packaging Technology Exhibition, there will be 600+ exhibitors, 58,000+ visitors, and 100+ media gathered together, rapidly enhancing the visibility of exhibitors.
The offline exhibition hall will be open for three days, and the online exhibition will be available all year round, with nearly 100 mainstream and industry media promoting it.
Understand the needs of end buyers and industry trends around the world, and provide one-on-one professional services based on customer needs.
The exhibitions, conferences, and activities during the Shanghai International Plastics Packaging Technology Exhibition provide an effective social platform for you.
Attracted attention and gathered brands!
More than 600 exhibitors cover new equipment, new materials, new processes and new products in the packaging industry, allowing you to contact a large number of high-quality suppliers and making your procurement reference more professional and valuable!
INTER PACK EXPO divides the packaging & materials area, intelligent machinery area, printing technology area, label printing area, etc. Visitors can visit some exhibitions according to their interests, saving visitors' visiting time and improving the efficiency of visitors and exhibitors.
INTER PACK EXPO is one of the important exhibitions in the plastics industry, which has been successfully held for 16 sessions. The organizers have rich experience in organizing exhibitions and have a large amount of visitor data information.
Shanghai International Packaging Technology Exhibition will be promoted and publicized in domestic and overseas markets, comprehensively enhancing the influence of the exhibition in Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Oceania.
INTER PACK EXPO is based in Shanghai, the center of China's international economy, finance, trade, shipping, and technological innovation. The exhibition hall is located in the transportation hub of Shanghai, with advanced facilities and convenient transportation.
INTER PACK EXPO focuses on intelligent packaging and recyclable packaging solutions. During the exhibition, many well-known brands in the packaging industry will showcase various plastic machinery, green packaging, recyclable packaging, and more.
Thanks to partners for their support